
Assegai is an open-source project that is licensed under the MIT License . We are dedicated to providing a high-quality, reliable, and scalable server-side framework for PHP developers.

How can you help?

The continued development of Assegai is made possible thanks to the support of our community. If you would like to contribute to the project and help us continue to improve and grow, there are several ways you can do so:

  • Report any issues you encounter or suggest improvements on our GitHub page.
  • Contribute code to the project by submitting pull requests on GitHub.
  • Share Assegai with other developers and spread the word about the project.
  • Consider supporting us financially through a one-time donation or recurring sponsorship.

Financial Support

Your support is greatly appreciated and helps us to continue working on Assegai for the benefit of the entire PHP community. Thank you for considering a contribution.