CLI command reference

assegai add

Imports a library that has been packaged as an assegai library, running its install schematic.

$ assegai add <library> [options]


Argument Description
<library> The name of the library to import.


Option Alias Description
--dry-run -d Report actions that would be performed without writing out results.
--project -p Project in which to generate files.
--help -h Outputs helpful information about this command.

assegai completion

Set up Assegai CLI autocompletion for your terminal.

$ assegai completion [argument]


Name Description
script Generate a bash and zsh real-time type-ahead autocompletion script.


Name Alias Description
--help -h Outputs helpful information about this command.

assegai generate

Generates and/or modifies files based on a schematic.

$ assegai generate <schematic> <name> [options]
$ assegai g <schematic> <name> [options]


Argument Alias Description
<schematic> The schematic to run.
<name> The name of the new collection/element.
<path> The path to the new collection/element.


Name Alias Description
--dry-run -d Report actions that would be taken without writing out results.
--project -p Project in which to generate files.
--type -t An optional type suffix to supply when generating a class schematic.
--help -h Outputs helpful information about this command.


Name Alias Description
application a Generate a new application workspace.
attribute Generate a custom attribute.
class Generate a new class.
config Generate a CLI configuration file.
controller Generate a controller declaration.
filter Generate a filter declaration.
guard Generate a guard declaration.
interceptor Generate an interceptor declaration.
interface Generate an interface.
middleware Generate a middleware declaration.
module Generate a module declaration.
pipe Generate a pipe declaration.
service Generate a service declaration.
resource Generate a new CRUD resource.

assegai help

Displays helpful information about a given command.

$ assegai help [options] [command]


Argument Description
<command> The name of the command.


Name Alias Description
--help -h Outputs helpful information about this command.

assegai info

Display Assegai project details.

$ assegai info|i


Name Alias Description
--help -h Outputs helpful information about this command.

assegai list

Prints a list of available items in a collection [DEFAULT: Prints available commands].

$ assegai list


Argument Description
collection List the elements of the given collection. [DEFAULT=commands].


Name Alias Description
--verbose -v Output more information.
--help -h Outputs helpful information about this command.

assegai new

Generate an Assegai application.

$ assegai new [options] [name]


Name Description
<name> The name of the new application/project.


Name Alias Description
--directory Specify the destination directory.

assegai remove

Removes a library that has been packaged as an assegai library, running its uninstall schematic.

$ assegai remove <library> [options]


Argument Description
<library> The name of the library to remove.


Option Alias Description
--dry-run -d Report actions that would be performed without writing out results.
--project -p Project from which to remove files.
--help -h Outputs helpful information about this command.

assegai serve

Starts a local development server.

$ assegai serve [options] <directory>


Argument Description
<directory> The specific document root directory.


Name Alias Description
--host Host to listen on. Default: localhost.
--open -o Opens the url in default browser.
--port -p Port to listen on. Default: 5000.
--help -h Outputs helpful information about this command.

assegai schema

Manages database schema.

$ assegai schema [options] <action>


Argument Description
<action> The action to perform on the schema.


Name Description
init Creates the migrations directory, creates the database specified in your config, and runs existing migrations.
setup Creates the database specified in your config, and then runs any existing migrations.
sync Synchronizes your entities with their respective database schema. It runs schema update queries on all connections you have.
drop Drops the database defined in the config.


Name Alias Description
--data-source -d Path to the file where your Repository instance is defined.
--help -h Outputs helpful information about this command.

assegai test

Runs or manages tests in the project.

$ assegai test



assegai update

Updates your application and its dependencies. See

$ assegai update [options]


Name Alias Description
--help -h Outputs helpful information about this command.

assegai version

Output the current version.

$ assegai version


Name Alias Description
--help -h Outputs helpful information about this command.