
Guards are classes that implement the ICanActivate interface in Assegai. They are used to block or allow access to routes based on certain conditions. For example, you might have a guard that only allows access to routes if a user has the necessary permissions.

Here's an example of a simple guard that allows access if a request contains a valid api_key in the query string:

use Assegai\Core\Attributes\Injectable;
use Assegai\Core\Interfaces\ICanActivate;
use Assegai\Core\Interfaces\IExecutionContext;

class ApiKeyGuard implements ICanActivate
  public function canActivate(IExecutionContext $context): bool
    $request = $context->switchToHttp()->getRequest();
    return $request->getQuery()->has('api_key') && $request->getQuery()->get('api_key') === 'abc123';

Using guards

To use this guard, you would add the #[UseGuards] attribute to your controller class or any of its route handler methods and specify the guard class:

#[UseGuards(guard: [ApiKeyGuard::class])]
class SpearsController
  // route handlers go here}

You can also specify multiple guards by including them in an array:

class SpearsController
  #[UseGuards(guard: [ApiKeyGuard::class, RolesGuard::class])]
  public function findAll()
    // route handler code goes here    ...

In this case, both the ApiKeyGuard and RolesGuard must return true for the route to be accessible. If either guard returns false, the route will be blocked.