
Assegai can be used with any type of database, whether it is SQL or NoSQL. This flexibility allows you to choose the database that best fits your needs. To connect Assegai to a database, you will need the PHP PDO extension installed and enabled along with any PHP drivers that are compatible with the database you have chosen. Once the extension is installed, you will be able to easily integrate Assegai with your database.

ORM integration

Assegai includes the assegaiphp/orm package to facilitate integration with both SQL and NoSQL databases.

$ composer require assegaiphp/orm ext-pdo

After completing the installation process, the default ORM data source can be configured in the root AppModule.

return [
  'databases' => [
    'mysql' => [
      'test' => [
        'host' => 'localhost',
        'user' => 'root',
        'password' => 'root',
        'port' => 3306,
use Assegai\Core\Attributes\Modules\Module;

  providers: [AppService::class],
  controllers: [AppController::class],
  imports: [],
  config: [
    'database' => 'test'
class AppModule

After completing this step, the ORM DataSource and EntityManager objects will be able to be injected into any part of the project without the need to import any additional modules, for example:

use Assegai\Core\Attributes\Modules\Module;
use Assegai\Orm\DataSource\DataSource;

  providers: [AppService::class],
  controllers: [AppController::class],
  imports: [],
  config: [
    'database' => 'test'
class AppModule
  public function __construct(private DataSource $dataSource)

Repository pattern

The Assegai ORM implements the repository design pattern, which means that each entity has a dedicated repository that can be accessed through the database data source.

To continue the example, we need to define at least one entity. In this case, we will create a User entity.

use Assegai\Orm\Attributes\Columns\Column;
use Assegai\Orm\Attributes\Columns\EmailColumn;
use Assegai\Orm\Attributes\Columns\PrimaryGeneratedColumn;
use Assegai\Orm\Attributes\Entity;
use Assegai\Orm\Queries\Sql\ColumnType;

#[Entity(table: 'users')]
class User
  public int $id = 0;

  public string $email = '';

  public string $firstName = '';

  public string $lastName = '';

  #[Column(type: ColumnType::BOOLEAN, default: false)]
  public bool $isVerified = false;
Tip Find out more about entities in the ORM documentation

The UserEntity file is located in the users directory, which contains all files related to the UsersModule. While you can choose where to store your model files, it is generally recommended to place them in the corresponding module directory to keep them organized by domain.

Now, let's examine the UsersModule

use Assegai\Core\Attributes\Modules\Module;

  providers: [UsersService::class],
  controllers: [UsersController::class],
  imports: [],
  exports: [],
class UsersModule {}

Next, we can use the #[InjectRepository] attribute to inject the UsersRepository into the UsersService:

use Assegai\App\Users\Dto\CreateUserDto;
use Assegai\App\Users\Dto\UpdateUserDto;
use Assegai\App\Users\Entities\UserEntity;
use Assegai\Core\Attributes\Injectable;
use Assegai\Orm\Attributes\InjectRepository;
use Assegai\Orm\Management\Repository;

class UsersService
  public function __construct(
    private readonly Repository $usersRepository

  function create(CreateUserDto $createUserDto)
    $user = $this->usersRepository->create($createUserDto);
    $results = $this->usersRepository->save($user);

    return $this->findOne($results->id);

  function findAll()
    return $this->usersRepository->find();

  function findOne(int $id)
    return $this->usersRepository->findOne([
      'where' => ['id' => $id]

  function update(int $id, UpdateUserDto $updateUserDto)
    $results = $this->usersRepository->update(['id' => $id], $updateUserDto);
    return $this->findOne($id);

  function remove(int $id)
    $results = $this->usersRepository->delete(['id' => $id]);
    return ['ids' => $id];
Notice Remember to import the UsersModule into the root AppModule